
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie

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@import url('');
/* Bovenstaande moet helemaal bovenaan staan (tbv. popups) */

body { font-family: calibri; font-size: 14pt; }
textarea { font-family: calibri; font-size: 11pt; }
math { background-color: transparent; }
.pTitel0 { font-size: 200%; border-bottom: 2px dashed #B0B0B0; }
.divVertaalbron { background-color: #FFFFE0; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0; }
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#history-toolbox { display: block !important; }

/* Links naar redirects in afwijkende kleur */
.mw-redirect         { color:#00A000; }
.mw-redirect:visited { color:#A0B000; }

/* Links naar doorverwijspagina's in afwijkende kleur
.mw-disambiguation         { color:#800000; }
.mw-disambiguation:visited { color:#C00000; } */

/* Links naar doorverwijspagina's in afwijkende kleur: */
.dablink-found           { color: #006000; border-bottom: 1px solid #A00000; background-color: #FFFF00; }
.dablink-found:visited    { color: #228B22; border-bottom: 1px solid #FF0000; background-color: #FFFFC0; }

/* Externe links in andere kleur: */
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.external text:active  { color: #0066FF; }
.external text:visited { color: #006640; }

/* Gewone links in andere kleur: */
a:active  { color: #0000FF; }
a:visited { color: #000040; }

/* Kleinere regelafstand in edit-veld: */
/* p { line-height: 120%!important; } */

/* Layout navpopups: */
/* .navpopup { font-size:180%!important; } */

/* Extra tabblad statistieken bovenaan iedere pagina
function stats() { 
addPortletLink('p-cactions', ''+wgPageName, "stats", "ca-stats", "See article stats"); 
addOnloadHook(stats); */